Two out of 10 companies are led by young people in Querétaro

It has also been a trigger for the 40% growth of electronic commerce, said Fabián Camacho

In Querétaro, two out of every 10 companies are led by young people, a segment of the population that has also been a trigger for the 40% growth in electronic commerce, said the president of the National Chamber of Commerce, Fabián Camacho.

He said that young people during these challenging times for business due to the pandemic “have had the skills to adapt to change that has been able to guarantee them at least to have competitive advantages and to be able to move with tools such as technology and process innovation and that is where we distinguish the great bulwark that young people bet on developing a business ”.

The above by announcing the Young Entrepreneurs Forum to be held on August 13 and 14 at the Nuqleo facilities, which aims to support the economic reactivation of the state

He pointed out that after fifteen months of the epidemic and serious damage to business there are challenges in terms of business development that have to do with the digitization process.

In this sense, he highlighted the growth of digital commerce of 40%, where a large part has to do with young consumers and suppliers.

In a press conference, the president of organized trade also identified that another issue that must be addressed in this new normal is the formality of the new trade models that are on technology platforms.

“We believe that these solutions can be found from the youth and on the other hand we bet a lot on companies,” he concluded.

Forum for ‘Young Entrepreneurs’ will be held in Querétaro

On August 13 and 14, the ‘Young Entrepreneurs’ Forum will be held in Querétaro, in which topics focused on the development of new companies will be discussed, such as: Finance, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Digital Marketing, among others; It will be held at Nucqleo facilities, located in the Querétaro 2000 park.

It is aimed at young university students and the price of access is 50 pesos; There will be 50 places available to attend the forum in person, although there are also more places for virtual mode through a link that will be provided at the time of registration

The topics are quite interesting, from how to detect a problem and how to detect an opportunity from that problem (…) so that they are encouraged to start their business”.

Also on those days, a space will be set aside for local artisans to promote their products and services.

For his part, the President of the Canaco, Fabián Camacho Arredondo indicated that today, 2 out of 10 companies in the State are led by young people, mainly in the areas of: technological development, sustainability, and services in the restaurant sector and tourism.

“The skills that if a young person has to adapt to change has guaranteed the survival of their business, adapting to technological tools … that’s why we bet on more young people being involved in the creation of companies.”

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The Queretaro Post