Merchants in Querétaro analyze requesting proof of vaccination against COVID


As part of the protocols that seek to strengthen, businesses analyze the request for proof of vaccination against Covid-19, and also promote this immunization process, said Fabián Camacho, president of the National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) in Querétaro.

“The awareness of vaccination for economic reactivation, and at the same time having the possibility that the proof of vaccination can also be a document so that it is a certainty for those who attend a public space.”

He said that with these actions they would give consumers greater certainty that the place they attend is safer, and would help the economic reactivation for the current scenarios in the face of the pandemic.

“And living together in spaces that can reduce the risks of contagion, is how we are recognizing it.”

He specified that CANACO works with the Covid-19 passport for economic reactivation and that it could be adopted by businesses so that they can strengthen the protocols for entering the establishment.


The Queretaro Post