Covid positive test in Querétaro drop to only 16 out of 100 tests

QUERÉTARO.- The Organizational Spokesperson of Querétaro indicated that covid positivity in the state dropped from 22% to 16%, which represents that out of every 100 tests applied only 16 were positive, according to the data from the State Laboratory of Public Health.

The Organizational Spokesperson, Rafael López González stressed that this is because Querétaro is the state that applies the highest number of tests to detect COVID-19 in proportion to the population; Likewise, he added that this data is encouraging since in order to consider that the pandemic is progressing towards control, it is necessary to place the positive indicator below 10%.

López González said that progress has been achieved thanks to the application of Social Training techniques, a model designed especially for Querétaro by the World Organization Institute, which has allowed a large majority of the Queretaro population to stay away from the virus. .

However, the Spokesperson made a call not to lower our guard, since celebrations, such as Mother’s Day, can trigger an increase in cases. He recalled that the first generalized disorder of infections and accelerated deaths was the product of this celebration last year.

He added that, although today a good number of mothers and grandmothers older than 60 years have already received the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19, it is important that they maintain sanitary measures, until completing their vaccination schedule; As he said, “they are still susceptible to catching the disease and infecting their loved ones who have not yet received the vaccine.”

On the other hand, he stressed that after the greatest wave of death and pain of the December dates “we learned to modulate ourselves”; However, he clarified that the decrease in contagions is not only due to care but also to the immunity acquired after the infections of membranes, for which he made a call to work as a team, as it will lose its validity from May.

In this sense, he recommended to the population to avoid meetings, and in case of holding them, do them outdoors, with no more than six people, maintaining a safe distance and adequate time to avoid risks, among other measures.

He recalled that relaxing care is risky, as asymptomatic people can transmit the disease.

Finally, he invited the population to be attentive to the calls of the Secretariat of Welfare, Querétaro delegation, for the vaccination stage for those between 50 and 59 years old, and thus avoid infecting those they love the most.


The Queretaro Post