In an effort to make visible the problems faced by the LGBT+ community in the state, the Organizing Committee of the LGBT+ Pride and Dignity March in the entity, presented the first state LGBT survey. This initiative seeks to diagnose the experiences of discrimination and access to rights of LGBT+ people in Querétaro.
“The LGBT+ community has existed throughout history, but we have been forced to hide, being violated and murdered for our sexual orientation and gender identity,” Delgado said. “Taking to the streets to make ourselves visible and demand space in society has been fundamental, and this survey is one more step towards achieving our full recognition.”
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The survey consists of 57 questions and aims to reach a representative sample of 1,100 people in Querétaro. It is divided into four topics: demographic data, experiences of discrimination, health, and the identification of safe services and places.
The survey is scheduled to be carried out in October, with the aim of gathering key information for the design of inclusive public policies.
Among the advances in Querétaro, Delgado highlighted the approval of same-sex marriage, the prohibition of conversion therapies and the extension of hours of attention in health centers that train their staff in diversity issues. However, the diagnosis obtained from this survey will be crucial to identify the areas where improvements are still needed.
In addition to the quantitative survey, a state forum will be held in the last week of November that will provide qualitative information on the situation of the LGBT community in the state. The results of both components will be presented to the state Executive, with the aim of designing lines of action that guarantee the rights of this population.
Source: diariodequretaro