Querétaro is the second city in the interior with the highest hotel occupancy

Foto EE: Archivo

The occupancy rate in Querétaro from January 1 to June 30 exceeded by 0.9 percentage points the 57.8% occupancy rate it had in the same period in 2023, according to the National Statistical Information System of the Tourism Sector of Mexico.

During the first half of the year, the city of Querétaro accumulated a hotel occupancy rate of 58.4%, the second highest among cities in the interior of the country, according to records from the federal Ministry of Tourism (Sectur).

With 60.6% occupancy, Chihuahua had the highest percentage in the country, being the only city in the interior that exceeded 60% demand.

The occupancy rate in Querétaro from January 1 to June 30 was 0.9 percentage points higher than the 57.8% occupancy rate it had in the same period in 2023, according to the National Statistical Information System of the Tourism Sector of Mexico (Data Tur).

Thus, in the first six months of the year, the state capital registered 4,336 occupied rooms, among the 7,421 rooms available on average per day.

The number of occupied rooms rose 3.2% in one year, from 4,200 to 4,336. While the number of rooms available, on average per day, increased by 1.6%, going from 7,301 to 7,421 between the reference periods of 2023 and 2024.

After Chihuahua and Querétaro, Villahermosa, in Tabasco, was in third position, with 58% occupancy; in fourth, Mérida, in Yucatán, with 57.2%; and in fifth position was Pachuca, in Hidalgo, with 56.8 percent.

On the contrary, the five districts with the lowest hotel occupancy are Valle de Bravo, in the State of Mexico, with 19.5%; Taxco, in Guerrero, with 20.6%; Comitán de Domínguez, in Chiapas, with 22.4%; San Cristóbal de las Casas, in Chiapas, with 25.6%; and Tlaxcala, in Tlaxcala, with 27.8 percent.

Among the cities in the interior of the country, they registered an average occupancy of 47.5% from January 1 to June 30, representing an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared to a year ago when it was around 46.7 percent.

Between the reference months, the beach centers of the country had an occupancy of 68.5%, higher than the average occupancy in the cities which was 52.4% between the same months.

By region, the border cities registered 62.8%, the large cities concentrated an occupancy of 57.1% and those in the interior 47.5%, reports the federal agency.

Other destinations in Querétaro

In the south of the state, the municipality of San Juan del Río accumulated a hotel occupancy of 50.5% between January 1 and June 30, reflecting an increase of 3.6 percentage points compared to 46.9% a year ago.

In this sense, the demarcation reported 392 occupied rooms, compared to 776 rooms available on average per day.

Meanwhile, the Magical Town of Tequisquiapan achieved an occupancy of 36%, which implied an increase of 3.8 percentage points compared to the 32.3% occupancy it had between January and June 2023. Also located in the south of the state, this tourist destination registered 206 occupied rooms, compared to an availability of 573 rooms on average per day.

Source: eleconomista