Querétaro government will present 17 projects to the next federal government

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The governor of Querétaro announced that one of the issues he plans to address with the virtual president-elect is the Batán Agua para Todos project that has already been proposed to the current federal administration and the National Water Commission (Conagua). This initiative is expected to guarantee the water supply for the next 50 to 60 years.

Querétaro, Qro. The state government will propose 17 projects to the virtual president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

These initiatives are part of the issues that Governor Mauricio Kuri González will propose in the meeting he will hold with the next president this Wednesday, August 7. There are two strategic projects for the administration: the supply of electricity and the supply of water.

“I have an appointment with the President-elect of the Republic on Wednesday morning to talk to them about the projects in Querétaro. We have 17 projects in total, four of which are very important for us in terms of infrastructure and two that are strategic for the state of Querétaro. These two strategic projects are the energy and water issues that we have in the state,” he said.

One of the issues that they will address is the Batán Agua para Todos project, which has already been proposed to the current federal administration and to the National Water Commission (Conagua). With this initiative, it is expected that the water supply will be guaranteed for the next 50 to 60 years, said Mauricio Kuri.

“It is part of my objective, to leave water for the next 50 to 60 years with this new Batán Agua para Todos project or we want to call it H2Qro for this new project that we will be carrying out, which was already authorized by the President of the Republic (Andrés Manuel López Obrador), by Conagua and now we will be passing it on to the next legislature,” he said.

Regarding the water supply, Mauricio Kuri also spoke of the increase in rates for this service; he stated that they are increases in line with inflation and he was confident that the increase in bills will be “imperceptible.”

Regarding the energy project – which involved an adjustment to public spending – he commented that there have been problems in making it happen, therefore, it is one of the issues that he will discuss with the next President of the Republic. The state government had proposed the construction of two energy transmission substations.

On this subject, Kuri González highlighted that the state has an energy deficit, because it has approximately 1,300 megawatts, but demands around 1,400 megawatts. However, he declared that he sees a change in the energy policy of the new federal government and that he has a favorable perspective.

“I see a change in the country’s energy policy with the new government. Currently, with this outgoing government, energy generation was prohibited, the policy was zero generation. I see with Luz Elena González (next Secretary of Energy), a very prepared woman, a change in the country’s energy policy, which is needed,” he declared.

He also added that he will propose projects in the educational sector, among them, the strengthening of the Aeronautical University in Querétaro (UNAQ) and the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ).

In this context, the governor of Querétaro declared that the state has not received resources from the Federation for the development of special projects, adding that his administration expected resources for the work on Paseo 5 de Febrero, but -he said- they did not receive federal funds. Due to the lack of resources, he assured, the state government has readjusted spending to make investments in infrastructure.

“They have not given us a single cent from the Federation for any special project, they were going to give us a penny for (Paseo) 5 de Febrero and the truth is that they gave us nothing, (…) they can say many things, but if there has been a government that has done infrastructure it is this government and without a penny from the federal government,” he asserted.

According to the governor, through financial reengineering and controlling spending, the local administration has invested in public works.

32% of the population without social security

Regarding public spending, he announced that they will reengineer social support so that it reaches the most vulnerable population. In this regard, she presented the progress of the Tarjeta Salud Contigo to provide health services to people who are not IMSS and ISSSTE beneficiaries.

The Secretary of Health, Martina Pérez Rendón, specified that 32% of the population does not have social security, there are 836,986 people who are not part of the IMSS or ISSSTE and who, therefore, are the responsibility of the state agency. At the moment, there are 30,000 people registered in the Tarjeta Salud Contigo program, of which 11,000 cards have been validated and delivered.

Source: eleconomista