They seek to shield Mexico-Querétaro highway after robberies and deaths of truck drivers

Initially there are 120 elements from 7 municipalities, they also plan to unify the C-4 to make a virtual shield and place cameras on the entire Periférico Norte

Faced with the robberies and deaths of truck drivers registered on the Mexico-Querétaro Highway and Periférico Norte, Mexican mayors seek to shield the section that goes from Naucalpan to the toll booth in Tepotzotlán, as reported by the municipal president Marco Antonio Rodríguez Hurtado.

After the assaults on transporters and the death of at least two truck drivers who were shot when they were traveling on this highway that becomes Periférico Norte, the Mexican mayors, even from neighboring municipalities, activated security protocols, Rodríguez Hurtado said.

“It is a matter of security in all the entrances and exits of the state and federal highways that I talked with the Secretary of Mobility”, Daniel Sibaja, said the municipal president of Tlalnepantla.

The jurisdiction of the Mexico-Querétaro highway is federal and state in central lanes, while the municipalities correspond to the side lanes, pointed out the municipal president of Tlalnepantla.

That is why the mayors of this corridor -of about 40 kilometers- of the Mexico Querétaro highway, which becomes Periférico Norte, seek a coordination with state and federal authorities, to make a delimitation of responsibilities and “take clear and forceful measures”, Rodríguez Hurtado assured.

“Before the governor Delfina Gómez we asked for coordination between the security commands”, in meetings in which authorities from various municipalities of the Valley of Mexico have participated, said the mayor.

The assaults are “a serious issue that is becoming widespread in all federal highways. At least here in this metropolitan area there is an agreement of the Mexican municipalities to act with the intermunicipal police to take care of the entrances and exits, whose priority is to safeguard the borders and sides”, because the responsibility of the central lanes of Periférico Norte and the Mexico-Querétaro highway is of the National Guard and the state police, reiterated the municipal president.

Initially there are 120 elements from 7 municipalities that are Tlalnepantla, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Cuautitlán Izcalli and Tepotzotlán, Coacalco, Cuautitlán, Nicolás Romero, who also plan to unify the C-4 -emergency centers- of these municipalities to make a virtual shield and place cameras on the entire Periférico as well as on the entrances and exits to these municipalities, explained Marcó Antonio Rodríguez.

“Tlalnepantla, for example, has 4 road arches that the State of Mexico operates, which are added to the security cameras, alarms and alerts that the municipality has”.

Insecurity to which are added the potholes and darkness that prevails in Periférico Norte, for which there was already a meeting with state authorities of the Secretariat of Mobility to give image to all this road, “that goes along with stuck” with the issue of security, reported the mayor.

Source: El Universal