Governor of Querétaro visits Microsoft Mexico offices to learn about the progress of the Data Center Region in the entity

The visit, led by Microsoft executives, allowed the governor to learn more about how the Data Center Region can empower Querétaro to become the country’s digital hub and trigger new development opportunities.

Mexico City – The governor, Mauricio Kuri González, visited the Microsoft headquarters in Mexico to talk with Rodrigo Kede, president for Latin America and Corporate Vice President at Microsoft, and Rafael Sánchez Loza, president and general director of Microsoft Mexico, about the development of the establishment of the Region of Data Centers in the state, as well as the impact of this project on the digital progress of the entity and the people of Queretaro.

During the visit, Mauricio Kuri learned details about Microsoft’s vision to build the largest cloud infrastructure in the world, of which the Querétaro Data Center Region is a part, called Central Mexico, which is number 62 worldwide. and the first in Mexico and in Spanish-speaking Latin America.

The governor took an immersive virtual tour of the Data Center Region model, which will offer cutting-edge technology to optimize the country’s digital services, to delve into the installation’s security, hardware , and software requirements . Kede and Sánchez Loza also presented the details of the projects that Microsoft develops with different institutions for the benefit of the nearby communities, in addition, they shared that, during the construction phase, more than a thousand jobs have already been generated.

“Microsoft currently operates more than 200 data centers around the world, establishing a network of key infrastructure ready for the challenges and opportunities of the digital future. Bringing this type of initiative to Mexico is one more step in our commitment to innovation, but it also brings a vision of progress through technology, where connectivity, agility, resilience and intelligence characteristics open the doors for people and companies to develop all its potential; this project seeks to trigger a substantial transformation in Mexico”, commented Rafael Sánchez Loza.

The Data Center Region is one more example of Microsoft’s work to benefit Mexicans economically and socially through technology. The implementation of these facilities, in addition to new job opportunities, will open a space that will serve as the official residence of the cloud for the main Microsoft solutions, deploying the most advanced technological infrastructure at the service of any Mexican company, regardless of its size or industry. .

This Region will allow the residence and local processing of data to revolutionize the operation of sectors such as finance, government and health. In the same way, both small and medium-sized companies and entrepreneurs will be able to modernize and grow, unlocking the potential of Artificial Intelligence solutions, the Internet of Things, payments and high-volume transactions, streaming and other key technologies in the data economy.

“Querétaro es uno de los motores de la economía mexicana y vemos en la digitalización una plataforma clave para seguir creciendo. Con el establecimiento de la nueva Región de Centros de Datos de Microsoft estamos apostando por convertirnos en el buque insignia de la nube en México, aprovechando nuevas oportunidades de inversión para la industria, generando más y mejores empleos y, en general, sirviendo como referente de innovación tecnológica en el país”, aseguró Mauricio Kuri, gobernador de Querétaro.

As part of the meeting, Microsoft shared the benefits of the Data Center Region through initiatives for sustainable development, training, job creation and economic development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Querétaro. For example, in line with Microsoft’s sustainability goals of being carbon negative and zero waste by 2030, this Region uses sustainable power and cooling, as well as the most modern water recycling system to return it to the environment in the state.

In addition, with the mission of also motivating social development and strengthening of nearby communities, a territory known as the “technological-industrial corridor”, Microsoft has worked with UN-Habitat to generate a study on the region, published at the beginning of 2023, and from which 18 recommendations are based on four essential pillars: social development and community strengthening, urban development and environmental sustainability, economic development and local employment, inclusive planning and effective governance.

“Throughout these years of collaboration with Querétaro, we have managed to execute different training and job creation programs, working closely with institutions such as the Querétaro National Employment Service and the State Polytechnic and Technological Universities. During this 2023, we will deploy additional training and literacy initiatives to continue bringing the benefits of technology to the entire population and continue to be part of the development of the state”, added Sánchez Loza.

The implementation of the Data Center Region is an example of Microsoft’s commitment to benefit Mexico in its digitization process, and will open new opportunities for Mexicans in various fields, in addition to making Querétaro the official place for data center solutions. Microsoft cloud key.

The governor of Querétaro, accompanied by the head of the Secretariat for Sustainable Development (SEDESU), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, and the director of Industrial Development, Alejandro Sterling Sánchez, toured the Microsoft Mexico facilities, where he verified the work of his collaborators and part of the of the technological projects of the company.

The Queretaro Post