Opal Mines in Tequisquiapan, Querétaro you can visit

The opal mines are one of the most visited natural wonders in Tequisquiapan. 

Peña de Bernal y Mina de Ópalo – Turisvago

We tell you everything about this place so you can visit it!

Opal mines are one of those unexpected places that surprise and amaze you. 12 km south of Tequisquipan, are these imposing rock formations. 

Its beautiful color, between orange and brown, gives you the illusion of being in some world of Star Wars.

In addition to the fact that you can explore them inside, here you can also appreciate the process of extraction, polishing, and finishing of the treasure that their cavities protect.

Manuel Cerón Aerial view of the opal mines.

What is opal?

The opal is a mineraloid of the IX group that belongs to the silicates and tectosilicates. Its composition is very similar to that of quartz. However, unlike these, the opal is characterized by the fact that there are water molecules inside.

Its formula is SiO 2 • nH 2 O and it is an element that promotes the fossilization process of plants and animals. There are many types of opal, there are transparent, white, yellow, red, orange, green, brown, blue and even black. Its shape is irregular and it is the only gem discovered that can reflect sunlight and transform it into all the colors of the rainbow.

Manuel Cerón Opal can be of many colors.

Can you visit the opal mines?

Yes, the opal mines are open to the public. However, you must do it with the help of a guide. He will show you the way and explain what the extraction process of this precious material consists ofYou can also visit one of the workshops where artisans and artisans polish this stone to form precious jewels. 

Ask about tours that include wine tasting, jams, and dressings.

If you go from CDMX, you have to take the Mexico Querétaro highway to Tequisquiapan. The opals mine is located 10 minutes from downtown in the town of La Trinidad. You can look for Mr. Héctor Montes a trusted guide to do the tour.

T. (414) 231 8036

Manuel Ceron

Recommendations for visiting the opal mines

  • Wear non-slip shoes
  • Wear comfortable clothes and preferably in dark colors, as you will come out very dusty or dusty
  • Hire a guide, it is always better to explore a place with someone who knows you

The Queretaro Post