Francisco Domínguez Servién said on Twitter that he presented symptoms on Friday, July 2nd.
The governor of Querétaro, Francisco Domínguez Servién , reported on Sunday that he tested positive for COVID-19. This would be the second time that it is contagious.
Through a tweet, the official said that after presenting symptoms last Friday a test was carried out to detect if he is a carrier of the virus whose result was positive.
“Today I was informed that I tested positive for COVID; I started with symptoms last Friday, fortunately so far they are mild. (…) I will stay at home under medical surveillance, coordinating the tasks and activities of my government from a distance, ”he wrote on Twitter.
El día de hoy me informaron que di positivo a la prueba de COVID; inicié con síntomas el viernes pasado, afortunadamente hasta ahora son leves.
— Pancho Domínguez (@PanchDominguez) July 5, 2021
The governor received the first dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in mid-May.