Francisco Domínguez, governor of Querétaro, tests positive for COVID for the second time

Francisco Domínguez Servién said on Twitter that he presented symptoms on Friday, July 2nd.

The governor of Querétaro, Francisco Domínguez Servién , reported on Sunday that he tested positive for COVID-19. This would be the second time that it is contagious.

Through a tweet, the official said that after presenting symptoms last Friday a test was carried out to detect if he is a carrier of the virus whose result was positive.

“Today I was informed that I tested positive for COVID; I started with symptoms last Friday, fortunately so far they are mild. (…) I will stay at home under medical surveillance, coordinating the tasks and activities of my government from a distance, ”he wrote on Twitter.

The governor received the first dose of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine in mid-May.