Greater security is sought in clubs, bars and restaurants in Querétaro; weapons detection arches and panic buttons will be installed

El altar improvisado para las víctimas de la masacre en el bar de Querétaro está colocado cerca del lugar custodiado por elementos de la policía municipal. Foto: Demian Chávez / EL UNVIERSAL

Clubs, bars and restaurants will begin to install weapon detection arches, as well as panic buttons as security measures in light of the events that occurred in the state in the last week, revealed Carlos Hale Palacios, director of the state Government.

He explained that so far four establishments already have some of these security measures, however, there is great interest on the part of the rest to make these investments in security.

Read also Querétaro lives moments of tension after massacre in “Los Cantaritos”; bars and clubs close in protest

“The truth is that there was a great openness on the part of establishments, obviously it was a first approach with them, but Canirac, Canaco, with a complete openness and willingness. In fact we already have some establishments that are already operating like this and on their initiative, because at the end of the day it is a shared responsibility, it is a shared interest,” he said.

These actions respond, he said, to the need to make customers feel safe inside the establishments, which will seek to connect this technology to the C5 of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC).

Source: eluniversal