Querétaro industrialists expressed their concern about the progress of the reform to the Judicial Branch, declared the state president of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry.
Querétaro, Qro. Industrialists from the state of Querétaro expressed concern about the progress of the reform to the Judicial Branch, declared the state president of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), Esaú Magallanes Alonso.
According to the leader, there is uncertainty regarding the application of the law, in case the reform materializes.
There is a concern about who will be judges or magistrates; if the law will really be respected as it is; for example, if you have any arbitrariness from any part of the government towards you, as an industrialist or as a citizen; if the judge will really protect you as the law says or as whoever put him there says, which is the people. That is the issue: the background of the concern of all of us,” he said.
The Queretaro delegation of Canacintra expressed concern about the impact of the reform on economic development, as well as on the productivity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).
Likewise, due to the costs that the election of judges and magistrates will entail, resources that – Canacintra proposed – could be allocated to economic development.
“Today, the industrialists of Mexico raise our hands from Querétaro. We do so by being firm defenders of the legality of the institutions, being promoters of Mexican talent, its employment and its entrepreneurship, assuming our role as protagonists of the great transformations and of the public life of our country,” he said during his speech at the Querétaro 2024 Industrial and Commercial Meeting Expo.
This Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies approved in particular, with changes, the opinion that modifies various articles of the Political Constitution, related to the Judicial Branch; the opinion was sent to the Senate of the Republic.
Uncertainty over the US election
As the year draws to a close, he said, there are other factors that worry local industrialists, including the course of the US election process.
In particular, there is concern over the economic and industrial policy proposals of Republican candidate Donald Trump.
“We have to see how the US elections go, it is also important who wins. There is a lot of skepticism if Donald Trump wins (…) he will give incentives to Mexican companies to go and invest in Texas, that is also a risk,” he said.
However, the state leader of Canacintra noted that the state’s industry is advancing according to its annual growth forecasts of 9 percent.
Source: eleconomista