Between 41% and 60% of companies do not find enough talent in Querétaro, according to a study carried out by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO).
In the case of women from Querétaro, the career they studied the most was law in the period from 2012 to 2013, and in 2022 to 2023 it was business and commerce. And men also went from studying law to industrial engineering, in the same periods.
At the national level, the sectors that face the most difficulty in finding enough talent in the country are the tertiary sector (information technology, consumer goods and services; as well as consumer goods and services, and transportation, logistics and automotive, among others) and secondary (manufacturing and energy).
Salary increases of 12% achieved in Querétaro
According to the study “Compare careers” they point out that the country needs to generate, attract, as well as retain talent and investment so that it can be competitive.
They explain that the country’s economy is focused on the tertiary sector, since it contributes 59% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product, while the secondary sector concentrates 32%, and the primary sector 3.3%.
They also pointed out that in the next five years companies will adopt new technologies, which will demand new skills for the sector. In the case of 86% of organizations, they will implement digital platforms and applications, 81% education technologies and workforce development, and 80% big data analysis.
In addition, the skills that companies demand the most are soft skills such as collaboration and teamwork, reasoning and problem solving, as well as responsibility and credibility. And in technical skills, they are Information Technology and data analysis, sales and marketing, as well as customer service.
Source: diariodequeretaro