Restaurant manager insults a customer who went to get a “free-burger” special (VIDEO)

The manager of a hamburger restaurant in Querétaro called a customer who wanted to validate his promotion “a starving poor devil” (Muerto de Hambre); everything was captured on Video.

A case that went viral on social networks where Internet users were outraged by the treatment a customer received in a hamburger restaurant in Querétaro where the manager called him “starving” for trying to validate a FREE hamburger promotion.

This moment was captured on VIDEO by the customer himself who supposedly wanted to validate a coupon that he had obtained through the application of a famous hamburger chain.

Since the restaurant initially denied him the “free burger special”, the customer began recording with his cell phone but far from being served, the diner was offended by the manager of the place who called him a “Muerto de hambre” “starving man.”

Ironically, this happened during Hamburger Day, which is commemorated annually on May 28, but beyond a celebration, it ended up being a bad experience for Pablo Aberrera, a social media user who did not hesitate to expose the manager of the famous Burger King chain.

Through his account on X, formerly Twitter, Aberrera published a couple of videos in which he explains what happened; He said that after checking his app and purchasing a combo, he would get a free Whopper burger.