Querétaro broke the white balance in terms of homicides that it had during November; two executions, a shooting and the discovery of two human heads, this is how the state started the last month of the year
During the early hours of December 1, the inhabitants of the municipality of Querétaro alerted the authorities about an intense shootout that ended with the execution of two people, two injured police officers, five alleged criminals arrested, and the discovery of two human heads in an ice chest.
The events occurred after midnight in the Jardines de Azucenas neighborhood, where Municipal Police personnel moved to confront the armed subjects who immediately received them with bullets, managing to wound two of them, one of whom was reported as serious, while the other officer is out of danger.
After the exchange of shots and the arrest of five people, the police discovered the murdered bodies of two decapitated people whom it was not possible to identify.
Due to the seriousness of the events, personnel from the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) guarded the place to carry out the removal of the bodies and the collection of the ballistic material.
Hours after the shooting, residents of the El Garambullo neighborhood alerted the authorities about the presence of a cooler with two human heads inside.
The macabre discovery was found just five kilometers from where the execution and shooting occurred the previous night; Due to the characteristics of both events, it is presumed that they could be related, but the authorities preferred not to advance an official version until they had the expert examinations.
Until the month of October, there were 437 homicides in the state of Querétaro, 149 of them intentional; Despite not being at the top of the list of most violent entities, residents are concerned about the increase in violence.
According to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), throughout last year 467 investigation folders were opened for the crime of homicide in Querétaro, 149 intentional and 87 crimes perpetrated with a firearm; Figures that are close to being exceeded in the absence of reports for the last two months of 2023.
With these homicides, Querétaro, one of the safest states in the country, broke the blank streak that it maintained throughout the month of November, in which not a single homicide was recorded, according to information collected by the National Security and Safety Commission and the State Attorney General’s Office.
Source: Infobae