More than 135 thousand visited cemeteries in the capital of Querétaro

The most visited pantheons were Cimatario, Mompaní and Santa Rosa Jáuregui

A total of 135,815 people visited the eight municipal cemeteries of the capital during November 1 and 2 and no major incidents were recorded, which is why a white balance was reported in the Day of the Dead festivities.

The Secretary of Municipal Public Services of Querétaro, Alejandra Haro de la Torre, reported that this year 12,254 more visitors came than last year, when there was an influx of 123,561.

The most visited pantheons were Cimatario with more than 37,900 attendees, Mompaní with more than 24,000 and Santa Rosa Jáuregui with more than 21,600 visitors.

At the time, the director of the Municipal Civil Protection Coordination of Querétaro, Francisco Ramírez Santana, reported that no major incidents were recorded during the Day of the Dead festivities.

“There was generally a white balance both in pantheons and in festivities in the first square of the city, and in the city in general we also did not have any emergency incidents due to fires, leaks or vehicular accidents,” he reported.

18 medical assistances were offered, most of them clinical medical evaluations, for people with conditions who did not take any medication, and registered low blood sugar or some hypertension condition, but none required transfer.

In San Pedro Mártir, an incident was recorded with a merchant, who when she lit one of her grills, a part of her hair caught fire, but no specialized attention or transfer was required.

That second day, 33,244 visitors came to the Cimatario pantheon, 11,668 to San Pedro Mártir, 5,949 to Hércules, 20,888 to Mompaní, 18,015 to Santa Rosa Jáuregui, 12,505 to Buenavista, 12,000 259 to Jofre and 2,427 to Pintillo.

The Municipal Public Services area assigned 300 operational people to attend to the eight municipal pantheons, with cleaning tasks inside, supplying water to the pools, as well as paperwork outside the facilities.

On November 1 and 2, around 15 tons of waste were collected inside the cemeteries, mainly the remains of seasonal flowers, as well as more than 17 tons of waste outside.

In addition, the cleaning staff carried out a cleaning operation in public squares in the city, and as a result, 19 tons of garbage were collected.

It was attended mainly in Jardín Guerrero, Andador Madero, 16 de Septiembre, Plaza Constitución and Plaza de Armas, where merchants settled and there were various events such as the catrina parade.

Source: Diario de Queretaro