Querétaro requires growing in more magical towns

The tourism sector was one of the most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, since the confinement, the risk of contagion, the lack of mobility and the forced distance between people are elements contrary to the nature of the so-called “industry without chimneys”, however, various policies adopted by Mexico allowed this sector to remain standing and since 2022 figures are clearly rising.

Armando Bojórquez Patrón, president of the Association for Culture and Tourism of Latin America and one of the most prestigious tour operators in Mexico, explained that destinations such as Querétaro and entities without a beach, which enjoy great cultural, gastronomic, and commercial attractions, require to increase tourism products to grow in national and international visits.

He explained that Querétaro, as well as entities such as Zacatecas, and others that do not have sun and beach products that are highly positioned abroad and among national tourists, have to increase the number of magical towns, since in states with great historical tradition have many sites of great beauty that must be exploited.

In these days, various tour operators will be present in Querétaro to create and promote new packages of its attractions. I am very surprised at how much Querétaro has grown in gastronomic tourism,” he said.

“We will form an agreement with the authorities of Querétaro and promote cultural tourism and the tour operators want it to be proposed in Querétaro like other entities the development of more magical towns and we hope that the federal and state authorities bet on this type of program,” he said.

The state of Querétaro has 6 magical towns, these are: Bernal, Amealco, Jalpan de Serra, Cadereyta, Tequisquiapan and San Joaquín.

We must give great impetus to cultural tourism and give consolidation to cultural cities like Guanajuato, Querétaro, etc., which have a lot to grow, he indicated.

The authorities and businessmen are positioning cheese and wine, delicious dishes and gastronomic tourism, as well as its colonial attractions, hot springs, etc. We have to consolidate this type of attraction with international tourists, and it is our intention when we meet with the entity’s authorities.

Among the main competitive advantages of Querétaro to grow in tourism, is its unbeatable geographical location that allows it to be close to practically all the important regions and ports of the country. Its connectivity is quite remarkable, through a modern road network that connects it to the north and south; as well as their own municipalities. Likewise, it has a modern Bus Terminal, with continuous runs to practically all regions of the country.

The Querétaro International Airport is one of the fastest growing in the country, it is located only 32 kilometers from the capital and offers flights with connections to practically any part of the world, and it is one of the alternative airports of Mexico City.

He explained that it is very important to keep alive and promote various festivals, fairs, and all kinds of activities throughout the country, as well as being present at world fairs and promoting the nation’s attractions, he said.

“Tourism is taking advantage of great opportunities and the country has a great image in the world, there is great respect for our nation. Although, we must accept that we have great insecurity challenges that we hope will be adequately resolved,” he said.

The business manager exemplified that despite this insecurity there are many international flights, and a case is Cancun, Quintana Roo that receives 600 international flights and this year will receive more than 25 million visitors.

Source: AM Queretaro