Municipality of Querétaro reopens the CEDAI Craft Market

Due to its reopening, it will offer various shows from today until September 11, from 10:00 to 19:00.

The Municipality of Querétaro, through the Ministry of Human and Social Development, reopened the CEDAI Artisan Market -located at Ignacio Allende Sur Street No. 20 in the Historic Center- as a space for the production, promotion and commercialization of handicrafts from the region, which also provides support to the economy of artisan families.

“Since the beginning of the administration, Mayor Luis Nava has asked us to work hand in hand with society and the government to generate actions and programs that benefit the most vulnerable sectors and of course the entire population, and in that sense we have achieved here to make this investment… to have a more dignified space where both artisans and visitors can come and enjoy not only crafts, but also food”, said the Secretary of Human and Social Development, Arturo Torres Gutiérrez in the relaunch of CEDAI.

With the renewal of the image of the CEDAI Artisan Market, the aim is to strengthen the activities of indigenous artisans; for which the Ministry of Tourism, tour operators and private initiative, will spread and promote this space for the exhibition and sale of articles; producers will be invited to participate in fairs; and a store will open at street level.ç

The CEDAI Artisan Market will work from Wednesday to Sunday and will have products from 35 indigenous artisans from Amealco, Tolimán and Cadereyta, as well as from other states such as Michoacán and the State of Mexico, without forgetting the artisans from rural communities of the municipality itself. of Querétaro such as: La Gotera, Juriquilla Pueblo, Jurica Pueblo, Holy Child of Prague, San José el Alto, Nueva Realidad, San Francisco de la Palma, Acequia Blanca, El Herrero, Cerro Colorado and La Purísima.


The Queretaro Post