Hay Festival Querétaro runs September 1 to 4 and is the first of the three international editions of the Wales-based annual Hay Festival to be involved in a new association with National Public Radio‘s (NPR) Spanish-language Radio Ambulante series of podcasts.
In addition to seeing presentations of that programming onstage, the plans for the Querétaro festival call for at least 145 speakers to appear, representing 19 countries in a format that’s to have in-person and online events across four days.
Marquee names announced for the show include:
- Wole Soyinka
- Paul Muldoon
- Leïla Slimani
- Rosa Montero
- Lucía Lijtmaer
- Jesús Carrasco
- Bibiana Candia
- Viet Thanh Nguyen
- Vivian Gornick
- Jean-Baptiste del Amo
- Wilfried N’Sondé
- Dolores Reyes
- Felipe Restrepo Pombo
- Jeremias Gamboa
- Horacio Castellanos Moya del Salvador
- Guillermo Fadanelli
- Gisela Leal
- Emiliano Monge
- Mónica Lavín
- Gonzalo Celorio
- Pedro Ánge Palou
- Alma Delia Murillo
- Clyo Mendoza
- Paola Llamas Dinero
- Alberto Villarreal
- Nadia Ñuu Savi
- Horacio Warpola
- Xel-ha López Méndez
- Andrés Cota Hiriart
Among writers expected to speak on current affairs are:
- Yásnaya Elena Aguilar, Emma Graham-Harrison, and Marta Peirano on issues of equality
- Carole Cadwalladr on press freedom
- Tawakkol Karman on women’s rights in the Middle East
- Caitlin Moran More Than a Woman
- Lucía Litjmaer and activist Dahlia de la Cerda on gender equality
Various elements of history will be addressed by:
- Natalie Haynes on feminist retellings of Greek myths
- Juan Tallón presents Obra Maestra
- Francois Hartog with a lecture on history and time
- The Hay’s Untold Microcosms anthology, in collaboration with the British Museum with a conversation between Yasnaya Elena Aguilar, Cristina Rivera Garza, Dolores Reyes, and Joseph Zárate
Performance programming includes:
- Jarvis Cocker on music and new poetry
- Pianist Jorge Viladoms and Luz de Luna
- A theatrical event with the Salvadoran women La Cachada
The Dallas Weekend Event Returns
A Hay Festival Querétaro audience. Image: Hay Festival
Latin American-specific programming features:
- Carlos Granés presenting Delirio americano: Una historia cultural y política de América Latina (American Delusion: A Cultural and Political History of Latin America)
- Iris Calderón, Benjamín Kumantuk Xuxpë, and Fernando Palma with Isela Xospa on the role of libraries
- Alma Guillermoprieto with a new book
In scholarly and academic areas, speakers include:
- Astrobiologist Carlos Briones
- Science journalist Antonio Martínez Ron
- Botanist Patricia Dávila Aranda
- Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst George Makari
- Tiziana Ulian on biodiversity in the Kew Gardens Platform, and journalists Esther Paniagua and Marta Peirano talk cyber security in the Festival’s Big Ideas Platform, a new international series with global investment managers Baillie Gifford to showcase innovative work in the arts and sciences.
Once again, there’s to be a two-day associated set of events in Dallas, Hay’s annual weekend foray into the United States market. There’s information on that here.
And full information on the Querétaro festival is here.
International events in the Hay Festival calendar are:
- Hay Festival Segovia, September 15 to 18
- Hay Festival Winter Weekend, Wales, November 23 to 27
- Hay Festival Medellín, Colombia, January
- Hay Festival Jericó, Colombia, January
The Colombian musical ensemble performs at Hay Festival Querétaro. Image: Hay Festival
Source: SMP