The Governor of Queretaro, Mauricio Kuri González appeared this Tuesday as the best qualified in the country according to survey

The Governor of Queretaro, Mauricio Kuri González appeared this Tuesday as the best qualified in the country in the Ranking of Approval of Local Executives of Mexico Chooses.

The Governor of Queretaro rose four steps and 3.4 percentage points compared to the measurement of the previous month, to reach 71.2 percent approval, which places him at the top from highest to lowest approval, above Miguel Ángel Navarro Quintero from Nayarit (Morena ) who has 70.7 percent and his co-religionist Mauricio Vila Dosal from Yucatan who has an approval percentage of 70 percent.

Behind them is the Governor of Aguascalientes, Martín Orozco Sandoval (PAN) with 66.7 percent, Rubén Rocha from Sinaloa (Morena) with 66.6 percent and Francisco Alfonso Durazo from Sonora (Morena) with 66.3 percent.

Also approved are Carlos Manuel Merino from Tabasco, Indira Vizcaíno Silva from Colima, Evelyn Cecia Salgado from Guerrero, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla from Michoacán, Layda Sansores from Campeche, Carlos Manuel Joaquín from Quintana Roo, José Ricardo Gallardo from San Luis Potosí and Samuel García from Nuevo. Belly lion.

The worst-rated governors in the survey are Cuauhtémoc Blanco from Morelos (PES) with just 21 percent approval, David Monreal Ávila from Zacatecas (Morena) with 29.3 percent, and Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca from Tamaulipas with 37.8 percent. .

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In the same survey but within the Ranking of Approval of the Municipal Presidents of the Capital, the mayor of Queretaro, Luis Nava is ranked as the 4th best positioned with an approval of 59.8 percent, only below Marco Antonio Bonilla de Chihuahua (PAN ), Renán Barrera de Mérida (PAN) and Biby Rabelo de la Torre de Campeche (Citizen Movement).

It should also be noted that the governor of Querétaro, Mauricio Kuri appears as ninth among the PAN’s list of ‘presidential candidates’ in 2024, just below his predecessor in office, Francisco Domínguez Servién, who is in eighth.

In the question, who would you like to be the presidential candidate of the PAN in 2024? Ricardo Anaya continues to prevail in preferences with 16.5 percent, practically in a tie with Lilly Téllez who has 16.2 percent of preferences, then Santiago Creel with 12.1 percent and Xóchitl Gálvez with 10.2. Former Governor Pancho Domínguez has 5.2 percent of the preferences and Kuri 4.5; both above characters like Marko Cortés and Carlos Romero.

Perception of Corruption in the AMLO Government Increases: Mexico Choose Surveys

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has experienced a drop of more than seven points in the popularity and approval of his government. In addition, the perception of corruption is growing, since two out of three Mexicans say that this occurs within his administration. The electricity reform project continues in a tailspin now with 53% of the population against and 41% in favor. People’s perception of the government’s action against COVID-19 dropped 10 points, 43% of the population thinks it is adequate and the remaining 45% says it is insufficient.

The Queretaro Post