The program seeks to give greater security to nationals traveling from the United States to Mexico
With the upcoming December vacation dates and the return of nationals to Mexico, we explain what the Paisanos Heroes Program is and how you can get help with your trip and stay in Mexico.
What is the Héroes Paisanos program?
The Héroes Paisanos program emerged in 2019 after the government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador replaced the old program called “Paisano”. The previous program was established in 1989 and sought to assist Mexicans in their temporary return to the United States.
What changes from ‘Paisano’ to ‘Héroes Paisanos’?
Nothing, it’s still the same program. As part of the improvement process and in order to reposition this instrument of dissemination and attention to compatriots, the name of the program “Héroes Paisanos” was updated, as “a way to recognize the invaluable contribution of compatriots, and to endorse the commitment and provide them with effective and quality care when they visit their country, ”indicates the website of the Héroes Paisanos program.
What merchandise cannot I take to Mexico?
- Narcotics
- Live fish of the predatory species of any size
- Used clothing and footwear that are not part of your personal luggage
- Weapons and ammunition
Value of merchandise that I can take to Mexico?
During the holiday periods of Easter, summer, or the end of the year, you can take merchandise up to a value of $ 500 with you to Mexico without paying taxes either by land or air.
For the rest of the year, the deductible is $ 300 when traveling by road.
How to process my car permit?
Where can I get this permission?
There are two options to carry out the procedure for the temporary importation permit for vehicles. One is via the internet through the Banj Ejército portal, The second option is through the Mexican consulates in the United States. It is necessary to schedule an appointment before going to the consulate, in this link you can do it:
The Dallas consulate reported that all appointments that were available for the rest of the year through the Banj Ejército module are sold out, so travelers are advised to process their permits online.
How to report any abuse?
The Paisanos Heroes program asks fellow citizens to report and denounce if they are victims of any abuse during their trip and stay in the country.
- Through the program page:
- You can download the “Denuncia Paisano” application before your trip and report any abuse or irregularity in real time:
Available for IOS:
Available for Android:
- If you are the victim of any abuse at customs, you can report it through the @denuncia_aduana Twitter account.
Migrant caravan traveling to the United States will have two departure dates in December
It seeks to guarantee the safe passage of Mexicans who return to their country for the holidays

As every year, the caravan of migrants leaving the United States for Mexico will take place with two departures in December, reported the United Migrants in Caravan AC organization through its social networks.
The first departure will be on Wednesday, December 8 and the starting point will be at Laredo Energy Arena Texas in Laredo, at 5 am and they will cross the border by bridge two.
The objective is to guarantee a safe trip for all countrymen who want to travel to Mexico to spend the holidays with their loved ones, the organization said.
The second date will be December 17, the meeting point to start this trip will be a Walmart, located at 5610 San Bernardo Avenue in Laredo, Texas.
How can I join the caravan?
The requirements to participate are the following:
- Register in the Todos M app, in which you can register and register your vehicle:
- Have accident insurance, if you do not know where to process it, you can find information on the Todos M.
- Have already the permit for the temporary importation of vehicles.
- Have a valid passport when entering Mexico.
The president of United Migrants in Caravana AC, Juan Fernando Rocha Mier, announced that he warned that countrymen who wish to participate in the 14th Winter Migrant Caravan and do not have the vaccination certificate against Covid-19, will be excluded, whenever they will seek in this mobility of vehicles and people to privilege the health of the participants.
He specified that, for this, all countrymen who participate in the Migrant Caravan will do it digitally, an aspect that will allow filters for those who do not have the certificate of vaccination against the virus, since at the beginning a certificate code will be requested and in case If you do not have it, you will not be able to continue with the registration.
“Those who participate in the Migrant Caravan will have to bring their vaccination certificate, although the Mexican authorities are not asking for it, we are asking for it in order to protect them and the people who come to visit so that we do not have any problem, in addition to the import permit for your vehicle or legalization ”.
The registration of participants increases as the days progress, currently there are 170 vehicles registered in the Migrant Caravan, of them, two from San Juan del Río, which plan to leave Laredo Energy, Arena Texas, city of Laredo, Texas, place of the Which will depart on December 8 at 5:00 a.m., so it is expected to have good participation with the requirements requested on this occasion in the face of the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic.
Finally, he commented that those who want to know the requirements to participate can call the call center, 1646-918-5230 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., in order to receive advice on the matter and return safely and in an orderly manner.
The final destination is Querétaro, the objective of the registry is to be able to organize several groups that travel together to other states of Mexico. This will also make it possible to request support from state authorities to provide accompaniment to migrants traveling to Mexico.
People who want to join are reminded that there is no cost and do not be fooled by fake accounts that want to charge for joining.
For more information visit the Facebook page of Migrantes Unidos en Caravana AC:
For any question, you can send an email to [email protected] . In addition, you can read more information about the program here: