TechWeek 2021 begins in Querétaro

Kuri leads the inauguration of TechWeek By Brose at UTEQ

In his speech, the president indicated that the best business for companies is to settle in Querétaro, since it is committed to a qualified workforce

The event will take place in houses of higher education in the state until next Friday, November 5.

This Wednesday began TechWeek 2021, an event promoted by the German company Brose Querétaro, which will take place until November 5, at different universities in the state.

The event aims to get closer to the main interest groups to promote innovation and development, including its entire value chain.

This event seeks to be a link in the triple helix, and generate high-level professionals; the ceremony was led by the governor, Mauricio Kuri González.

In his speech, the president indicated that the best business for companies is to settle in Querétaro, since it is committed to a qualified workforce.

“We understand that if we do not bet on the education sector, education, technology, innovation, we are condemning our children or this generation to exploitation or indifference”,

Registration to participate in TechWeek is divided into three categories: Universities, clients, and suppliers. November 3 is dedicated to educational institutions; November 4 for customers and November 5 for suppliers.

The houses of study located in the entity that participate this November 3 in TechWeek are: Polytechnic University of Querétaro (UPQ), Anáhuac Querétaro University, Tecnológico de Monterrey and Technological University of Querétaro (UTEQ).

Is the event face-to-face?

It will be carried out in a hybrid way, that is, both face-to-face and virtual.

Can I still participate?

Yes, make your registration by clicking here.

The Queretaro Post