After the heavy rains in Querétaro, the distribution of drinking water has had interruptions in the state and this is due to the different outlets from the Zimapán Dam.
What is the current situation in Querétaro?
Faced with the increase in water contributions to the Zimapán Dam, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) continues to vent it, even increasing to more than 500 cubic meters per second, for which the State Water Commission (CEA) informs that, given these conditions, it is necessary to maintain the potable water service per batch.
It should be noted that the CFE does not have a defined date for the completion of the vent, and in light of this, the CEA continues to apply measures to ensure an equitable supply of drinking water for all the inhabitants of the capital.
What is the tandeado service?
The tandeado service mechanism that has been implemented consists of the use of the water extracted from its battery of wells, to supply the resource in all the neighborhoods and subdivisions of the city; In the same way, taking advantage of the volume of water that was accumulated during the last start-up of the Aqueduct System II.
However, it is important to note that the reserved water from Aqueduct II is being dosed, in order to try to be supplied mainly to the northern part of the city, which, due to its geographical position, is the most vulnerable at the moment.
The Commission will continue to provide support through pipes to hospitals, shelters, schools, and the colonias of the aforementioned northern zone.
At what times will the water be supplied?
Given the complexity involved in the tandeo maneuvers, it is not possible to provide fixed schedules for the water supply, but actions are maintained to provide the water service as long as possible.
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