What happens if I skip the toll booth without paying, Where do I buy a prepaid card?

Of the payments that it costs more than one to disburse, it is that of a toll booth. Of course, it has road benefits; however, it generally represents a very representative outlay, especially for those who commute by road on a daily basis.

Hence, there is always the same doubt: is the collection of booths legal in Mexico? Commonly, the detractors of the booths appeal to free movement to express their discomfort at the existence of these payment bases.

However, they forget a central issue in this debate: for there to be a payment route, the State must provide a free alternative route. Thus, motorists have the option of traveling by the option that suits them best.

right of free transit

On the other hand, it is important to remember that the money collected in the booths is used to maintain the expressway, in order to provide the greatest security for users.

So, if you think that the collection of the booth is an affront to harm motorists, you are in error. We all have the right to circulate on the highways of payment; and, at the same time, we must comply with the corresponding financial obligations.

booth payment fines

But what if you refuse to pay and skip the booth? You will not go to jail, but you will have to pay a fine ranging from 7,000 to 8,500 pesos. Therefore, it is better to find other ways or make the respective payment that is requested at the toll booth.

Finally, we must make a clarification. Regarding the right of free movement that we mentioned at the beginning, it applies yes and only as far as pedestrians are concerned. If you are walking, no one can ask you for any kind of payment to cross the booth. The same thing happens if you circulate by bicycle.

Mexico Toll Road Payment System

What is IAVE?

IAVE is one of the implementations that have been developed in recent years in our country when we strictly speak of methods that help drivers to reduce time in question to toll booths, so IAVE Cards are a form of prepayment that can be used on all those federal highways and bridges that belong to Capufe, that is, all those sites that require an electronic toll.

With the IAVE Tag, you can make your road trips quickly and easily, as it will be the electronic payment method with which you will pay the corresponding toll booths without the need to wait in long lines, since it will speed up all the necessary operations, helping to reduce times with a collection through automated devices, after being an automatic identifier of the cars that have this form of payment implemented by Capufe so that you can quickly access any of its federal highways, roads and bridges.

How does IAVE Pass work?

The operation of the IAVE card is very simple, once you have recharged the IAVE tag through a payment charged to your credit or debit card, or it is in post-payment mode, you will only have to drive until you reach the corresponding Capufe booth, so that the car can be identified through an installed antenna that is responsible for the IAVE tag reader. After this, the corresponding charge or charge will be allowed, and this is how you will save time.

Another of its functions of IAVE booths is that you can request a consultation of your IAVE balance through your cell phone where you will only have to send a message with the word “Balance” as well as the 8 digits corresponding to your IAVE Tag number , and this to 33313, if all the data are correct.

You will immediately receive another message indicating the IAVE balance you have. This will be a service that will cost you a minimum charge to your cell phone credit of $ 1.50, but that will undoubtedly help in a great way; It should even be noted that through your Smartphone you can also recharge your IAVE Tag and thus speed up these processes.

With IAVE pass, you guarantee time savings when traveling around the country, helping you not to be delayed by any eventuality at the toll booths, but in addition to this, you can use the IAVE TAG in urban roads, speaking about the aspect of being an accepted element in 100% of the Capufe highways that have electronic toll collection, in addition to urban highways in Mexico City, followed by the exterior circuit in Mexico, Arco Norte, and Chamapa lechería.

IAVE pass payment schemes

Within this method of payment by IAVE tag there are two types of schemes, on the one hand, we find the simple prepayment that will be where the user can pay the amount they like, which can range from 50 to 3,000 pesos, charged to ones credit or debit card.

On the other hand, there is also the postpaid tag, where all charges for toll booth payments are charged directly to the credit card that is registered. This is how you can save time and especially fuel, IAVE Tag is the way you can control your expenses, as well as quick access to the entire largest road network in our country, such as Capufe.

IAVE Mexico decal

It will be a decal designed for users, it will be placed on the windshield of cars, and it is worth mentioning that this is transferable, which means that it can be placed on different cars that you may have. The IAVE tag can be purchased at any of the service modules found on the roads of Capufe, and in order to activate it you can do so in any of the same modules, or by calling 01 800 111 00 88, but the option to register on the website.

In general terms, IAVE Tag is the most innovative way to improve certain aspects that are directly related to avoiding huge losses of time in the toll booths on the federal highways or roads that belong to Capufe, turning this process into something agile, exact and without complications, since it also has advanced technology to be used by the entire network.

Benefits of using IAVE Tag.

The best part of having an IAVE Tag is that you will not have to worry about queuing for a booth, and even your recharges will remain for as long as you need them since it will depend on how you use your vehicle on the road, in addition, the same time you do it.

That is why we tell you in detail about the benefits you will receive from having IAVE, one of the technologies that have ended up helping drivers in our country: All Tag users have 117 preferred lanes for each and every one of the roads belonging to Capufe. The charge that will be made to you with IAVE booths will be exact and in accordance with what is stipulated by the booth, a reason that makes your trip more reliable.IAVE card users will have the provision of simple and direct debit prepayment, which will be charged to the credit and debit card, as well as the post-payment method that will be charged to the indicated card. A unique benefit of IAVE capufe obviously is that it is directly involved in saving time in a booth, mainly in vacation periods where these places are highly saturated.

Where to buy Capufe IAVE?

The IAVE card contracting process is quite simple and without additional costs, which you can do at various customer service centers, such as:

  • Walmart
  • Mexican commercial
  • Soriana
  • Your table
  • City Market
  • OXXO
  • 7-eleven
  • Radio Shack
  • Office Depot

How much does the IAVE Pass cost?

The price of the IAVE card is $ 400 pesos, in which $ 250 pesos are already included for the payment of tolls on the IAVE highways and $ 150 pesos for the cost of activating the card.

In the specific case of armored cars, the IAVE card will cost $ 700 and will not include a balance for the IAVE televia payment. This can also be contracted in IAVE modules.

How to activate IAVE Mexico?

To activate the IAVE card, it is necessary to first make registration and download the contract at IAVE de México official site, for which the following information will be requested:

  • Full name.
  • Address.
  • Postal Code.
  • Phone number.
  • Email.
  • Card with which the payment of IAVE pass./li>
  • Location where it was hired.
  • IAVE pass card number.

IAVE tag recharge

To carry out IAVE recharge is quite simple because you can go to make manual recharges in self-service stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, and banks.

You can also recharge tag in supermarkets or Elektra and Office Depot stores, where you will be charged only a commission of $ 12 pesos for this service.

In the same way, you can leave IAVE recharges with a direct debit to your credit card for the amounts of money and the period of time you choose, according to your needs and the frequency with which you travel and use the IAVE cap.

Can I check my movements in IAVE Portal?

Within the IAVE Portal, all users will be able to carry out different situations, ranging from recharging their tag, in addition to inspecting their movements and verifying that they have been registered correctly and with exact costs, a situation that ends up being efficient. and feasible for users.

How does IAVE Billing work?

When you register your Tag, Capufe will automatically ask you if you want the IAVE Billing to be carried out instantly, this undoubtedly benefits you to be able to deduct taxes, although you should know that if you do not indicate the automatic billing option, for each travel and tag use that you make, you have a maximum period of 5 business days to request the IAVE Invoicing.

Does this Electronic Toll Service include Auto Insurance?

You should know that by the simple fact of paying your toll at the booths managed by the Capufe, either by IAVE or in cash, you will have the right to basic auto insurance that is offered if you have a claim during your journeys through the via concession.

This basic auto insurance includes the basic protections equivalent to the basic coverage or liability coverage (which is the mandatory auto insurance throughout Mexico).

This insurance includes.

  • Road assistance in case of mechanical failures.
  • Ambulances.
  • Occupant medical expenses.
  • Civil liability for damages to third parties.
  • TOW Service.

Hours to request the Roadside Assistance service

This is a point that you should not worry about when hiring insurance. If your car won’t start, you left your key inside, or you got stranded on the street, you can be confident that you are not alone.

When you need help due to a mechanical problem, all you have to do is keep calm and dial the phone number of your insurer. They are required to provide you with roadside assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mexico Daily Post