Queretaro AIQ increases domestic flights during 2021

Querétaro is located with its airport among the main destinations to ship merchandise nationally and internationally, according to data from the SCT

The airport sector was one of the most affected after the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the decrease in social mobility, mainly in passengers.

However, in terms of cargo, despite the global impact, at the Intercontinental Airport of Querétaro (AIQ), domestic cargo remained.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), at the national level, the AIQ remained the third airport with the highest domestic cargo, with 16,160 tons accumulated between January and May 2021.

Mexico City and Guadalajara received 37 thousand 53 and 22 thousand 403 tons, respectively. In the comparison between periods, the AIQ had a substantial increase in load of 45 .5 percent between 2020 and 2021.

In international cargo raises numbers

As the demand for merchandise increases among the industries installed in Querétaro, there is an upward trend in international cargo.

In this sense, the AIQ has an 82.3 percent increase in world cargo, going from 4,853   tons between January and May 2020 to 8,848 tons in the same period of 2021.

With these figures, the AIQ ranked among the five airports with the highest increase in international freight cargo.

Queretaro officials work on increasing flights offered from AIQ

Aeropuerto Internacional de Querétaro (AIQ) recibió acreditación ACA -

Regarding the arrival of passengers by the airport, data from the Ministry of Tourism reveal a similar number between 2020 and 2021, with 125 thousand 655 and 125 thousand 714 passengers, respectively in the periods of January-May.

AIQ con módulo de pruebas COVID-19 - INFOBILIA

There are 800 COVID-19 passports issued in Querétaro

At the July 15 cutoff, the Canaco has processed and delivered 800 of these passports, as shared by the president of the Canaco, Fabián Camacho

This year, the National Chamber of Commerce Querétaro delegation launched the COVID-19 passport project so that members of the leadership, as well as the general public, could obtain a digitized pass for official use to verify that they have already been vaccinated. and they can be allowed to enter other cities or countries and even businesses.

At the July 15 cutoff, Canaco has processed and delivered 800 of these passports, as shared by the president of this body, Fabián Camacho.

No description available.

“We continue to position this COVID passport service to the members of the chamber, as of today there are about 800 passports already in place, the response has been favorable. The virtuous thing we have is that it is a document that, with proven experience, has been received as an official document in airports, hotels, restaurants, recreation centers at the national level and even at the international level ”, he explained.

Camacho Arredondo said that the federal government also presented its own platform for the issuance of ‘COVID-19 Certificates’.

In the case of Canaco, he reiterated that it can be processed in the same way digitally by sending an email to [email protected] with a photo of an official identification and proof of vaccination (either one dose, two or only) .

Once the documentation is received, a link is returned from which the passport can be downloaded.

The cost for union members is 200 pesos, while for citizens in general it is 400 pesos.

“What we are doing with this digital solution in addition to positioning a service in this health contingency is at the same time looking for alternatives based on technology that can pave the way for solutions.”

The business leader recalled that the document has official validity and can be presented at airports and hotels for those who need to travel and even mentioned that they already have several favorable testimonies.

The Queretaro Post