As of Friday, April 9, Querétaro accumulates 63,411 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (171 on the last day), as well as 4,428 deaths (7 on the last day); It also reports 58,275 discharges from health care (144 last day).
Querétaro, Qro . The mobility restrictions of scenario B – in force since February 15 – will be maintained at least until next Sunday, April 25, according to the update made by the Technical Health Committee.
After meeting, the specialists who make up the committee determined to continue in this scenario, given the effects that could occur due to the increase in mobility during the Easter holiday period.
Therefore, they called on the population to continue with the application of sanitary measures; In the committee session, they made an epidemiological evaluation of the entity, highlighting that in the days prior to the session there was a decrease in the number of active cases.
“This decision was accompanied by a request to keep up the guard, given the effects that the increase in social mobility during the Easter holiday period could have on the behavior of the disease .”
They also reiterated to the population that the pandemic is still active, for which they replicated the exhortation to adhere to the recommendations of the health authorities, with the aim of cutting the chain of infections.
“Among the measures, they insisted on the call to stay at home as much as possible, limiting mobility only for essential needs; avoid vacationing, holding and/or attending social gatherings, understanding that individual responsibility adds to collective results. They called on the public to be aware of the vaccination agenda in the state, in order to know the dates and locations that apply to each municipality ”.
People who received the first dose of the vaccine were reminded that they are partially protected, until they receive the reinforcement through the second dose, reiterating that they must continue to respect all health prevention measures: use the mask properly ( covering from nose to chin), constantly wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol gel, take their healthy distance and ventilate the spaces in which they are.
Meanwhile, in the update of the federal epidemiological traffic light, the entity went to the traffic light in orange to yellow, for the period from April 12 to April 25.
As of Friday, April 9, Querétaro accumulates 63,411 confirmed cases of Covid-19 (171 on the last day), as well as 4,428 deaths (7 on the last day); It also reports 58,275 discharges from health care (144 last day).
The impact of the holiday period has begun to be felt in the last three days, due to the fact that the epidemic phenomenon rises and there are three consecutive days of increase in active cases, details the Modulation index of the State Ministry of Health.