Querétaro is the state with the fewest police officers in Mexico and Tabasco has the worst paid

Querétaro, Baja California and Sinaloa are the states with the lowest rate of police officers in the country per thousand inhabitants, while Tabasco is the state with the worst salary for its security elements.

In the Agreement of the National Public Security Council, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), it was highlighted that Querétaro is the state with the least police officers, having 0.28 elements per thousand inhabitants in 2024, the second state with the lowest number is Baja California with 0.3.

Sinaloa, a state that is currently the scene of an internal war of the Sinaloa Cartel and that has shaken fear in the population, is the third state with the lowest rate of police officers per thousand inhabitants with 0.31 elements.

Other states such as Chiapas, where hundreds of people have been displaced by organized crime, are slightly below the national average, with 0.94 police officers per thousand inhabitants, while Guanajuato, which has been singled out by the government for homicides in the region, has 0.61 officers per thousand inhabitants.

For its part, the states with the highest rate of security officers is Mexico City, reporting four per thousand inhabitants. Tabasco and Campeche follow the capital with 1.55 and 1.33 police officers per thousand inhabitants, respectively.

Although Tabasco is the second state with the highest number of police officers, it is currently experiencing a wave of violence that has left 1,089 homicides until November 2024, according to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System.

In addition, the southern state has the worst salary for police officers, paying 8,268 gross pesos to its officers, according to data from the National Commission of Minimum Wages (Conasami) taken from the DOF.

A Tabasco police officer needs 9,091.60 pesos to have a decent salary in the state, according to the commission.

The states with the best salaries for police officers are Baja California with 28,000 pesos and Guanajuato with 27,671 pesos, both of which are above what Consami considers a decent salary.

The Agreement of the National Council of Public Security also highlighted that of the 290,664 police officers in the country, a quarter are women, of which 30.4% are in Mexico City.

However, only 44% of the country’s police officers, around 27,892 police officers, have a Unique Police Certificate, that is, they have the knowledge, profile, skills and aptitudes to carry out their work.

Additionally, 75.6% of the security elements were evaluated and currently have a current trust control, which allows the authorities and the population to be assured that the security elements act with professionalism and integrity.

Despite this, around 34.9% of the population at the national level does not trust the police, with Baja California having the least confidence, registering only 45.1% of positive sentiment towards its state forces, followed by the capital, with 47.1%, and Quintana Roo, with 52.5%.

Yucatán is the state with the greatest confidence in its police, with 78.9% of positive sentiment, followed by Nuevo León, with 74.2% and Oaxaca, with 73.5%.

Source: latinus.us