More than 60% reject street trading in the historic center

The mayor of Querétaro, Felipe Fernando Macías Olvera, announced that 61.6% of respondents from the first square of the city disagree with the presence of street vendors in streets, plazas and gardens of the historic center.

The exercise, described as historic, involved more than 220 municipal officials who applied 2,390 surveys in 11 areas of the historic center. According to the results, 40% of the participants indicated that street vendors generate problems such as obstruction of public space and accumulation of garbage. In addition, 66.6% perceived an increase in the presence of informal commerce in recent months.

The mayor called on neighbors, merchants and social actors from the first square to share proposals and points of view regarding street vendors.
“This is part of our vision of government: listening to people to make decisions based on their needs,” explained Macías Olvera, who assured that in the next few days they will present a comprehensive plan to address the problem. This will include the creation of formal sales points for artisans, given that 95.6% of those surveyed supported this measure.

The analysis revealed differences in perceptions depending on the area. In areas such as Corregidora, Pasteur and Zaragoza, the rejection reached 71.4%, while in sectors with less presence of street vendors, such as Mariano de las Casas, the disagreement was 51.9%.

“It is clear that where the problem is most recent, the rejection is greater,” said the mayor.

Macías Olvera stressed that the municipal government will apply the current regulations to regulate commercial activity in the historic center, but also expressed his commitment to vulnerable sectors.

After months of not having sales, merchants of the Artisan Market have tripled their sales in the last 15 days of being in Madero
“We want to protect artisans and give them opportunities to exercise their trade in a dignified, formal and regulated manner,” he said.

The mayor emphasized that this exercise did not cost additional resources to the treasury and constitutes a representative sample, with a margin of error of 2% and a confidence level of 95%.

Resultados encuesta

Source: oem