The state government is preparing a declaration of emergency in view of the heavy rains expected in September, as a result of tropical storms originating in other parts of the national territory, which was agreed upon yesterday in the Second Ordinary Session of the State Council of Civil Protection.
The proposal was presented by the coordinator of state Civil Protection, Javier Amaya Torres, who put the issue on the table in one of the points of the agenda, with the purpose of having the case voted on to present it to Governor Mauricio Kuri González.
They will analyze strategy for the rainy season
“This is with the purpose of being prepared for scenarios of intense rains and very important drags of humidity, derived from hurricanes and tropical storms that are forecast,” said Amaya Torres.
After the act, the Secretary of Government, Carlos Alberto Alcaraz Gutiérrez, reported that he will make the request to release 28 million pesos and that by having them in reserve they can be used in the rainy season; even in the cold season in the 18 municipalities.
“The release of 28 million pesos would be requested to have them in reserve and to be able to be used in the rainy and cold season in the 18 municipalities,” adding that the expansion of resources is being considered by anticipating that they will also be implemented during the winter.
He clarified that the assigned amount must guarantee the coverage that will be made in the state, in addition to the fact that it must be in accordance with the particular considerations that may arise. “It has to be equitable and provided in the things that are necessary, because it is an extraordinary resource that must be transparent to the people of Querétaro.”
Alcaraz Gutiérrez said that this proposal will be sent to the 18 municipalities, with the purpose of making them aware and integrating them into the same work plan to avoid serious situations that endanger the people of Querétaro.
“We are also considering the firefighters, to know what they need and to be able to support them. We need all prevention and risk management institutions to be equipped,” he emphasized.
The event discussed the climatic impact that the state has had, especially in recent years, and the dry season. There, the diagnosis and evaluation of the emergency that occurred in the 18 municipalities of the state due to the drought was presented.
Luis Gerson Rincón Gallardo, director of Hydro-agricultural Infrastructure of the State Secretariat for Agricultural Development, referred to the situation that was experienced after the declaration of emergency due to the exceptional drought that occurred last June.
After Governor Mauricio Kuri reported at the beginning of this month that this declaration was lifted due to the arrival of water, this Tuesday the proposal was made due to a contrary situation that has to do with the intense rains expected next month.
At that time he assured that the above was due to the arrival of rains and that therefore some dams had reached high levels of capture. He pointed out that more rainfall was expected in the coming weeks precisely because of more cyclones, which is why the state government is now preparing a new emergency declaration.
The coordinator of Civil Protection in the state, Javier Amaya Torres, indicated that all this has to do with the fact that the state has very high storage levels, despite being in the middle of the rainy season, and also having a soil saturated for permeability, which generates, he mentioned, high runoff speeds and little storage capacity in the main bodies of water in the state, which according to the official violates the safety of people in the state.
Having explained the above, the coordinator of Civil Protection put to the consideration of the Council the proposal to request the state Executive to declare an emergency due to rain, which was approved unanimously.
Source: diariodequeretaro