Approximately 600,000 “Queretanos” live in the United States

During 2021, Querétaro increased the receipt of remittances by 13.1%

It is estimated that there are about 600,000 Queretaros living in the United States, which includes children and grandchildren of migrants, said Fernando Rocha Mier, representative of the Migrantes Unidos civil association in Caravana.

“In 2021, Querétaro was one of the states, in percentage terms, that increased the most in sending remittances. It had an increase of 13.1%, what do you mean? We have increased that part… in money, 22 billion pesos arrived, almost half of the state budget”.

He added that one of the areas that export migrants to the United States continue to be Huimilpan, Jalpan, and Landa; The latter ranks third nationally in terms of the percentage of its native population that is in that country, he said.

In broadcast 15 of the Migrant Caravan, the schooling of those who drive the vehicle that will bring the compatriots back for the holidays was analyzed, and it is found that the majority reached secondary and high school studies.

He stressed that the schooling survey was only carried out on those who drive, hence the lack of information on the rest of the occupants.  

The schooling of those who registered to travel in the Caravan is, in first and second place, secondary and high school, with 29.2%; in third place is the bachelor’s degree, with 20.8%; in fourth place, the study up to primary school, with 16.7%.

Of those who will participate in the caravan, 405 drivers have the state of Querétaro as their endpoint, a figure that represents 40% of the participants; 170 indicated that their destination is Guanajuato, 17%; 129 families, San Luis Potosí, 12.9%; 63, Hidalgo, 6.3%; Jalisco, 62, 6.2%; Michoacán, 59 families, 5.9%; Mexico City, 29 families; Nuevo Leon, 21; Veracruz, 16; State of Mexico, 15; Aguascalientes, 12; Morelos, 11; Zacatecas, 9; Oaxaca, 7; Coahuila, 6; Guerrero, 6; Durango, 4; Tamaulipas, 4; Tlaxcala, 4; Tijuana, 3; Colima, 2; Campeche, 1; and Sinaloa, 1.

The Migrant Caravan was scheduled to meet on December 14 at Arena Energy, in Laredo Texas, it will depart on December 15 and for it, there are 1,039 vehicles registered.

It is estimated that each vehicle will hold an average of four people. The return, of those who wish to join, is scheduled for January 3, 2023. 

Source. El Universal

The Queretaro Post