The Mystery of the giant heads of Escolásticas Querétaro

The truth is that contrary to what is thought about the year of their creation, the giant heads are neither hundreds nor thousands of years old, but were carved in 2014 by two stonemason craftsmen.

In the middle of a wooded setting, the mysterious “Giant Heads” are found, in the community of Escolásticas in the municipality of Pedro Escobedo, Querétaro. In recent months, these sculptures have become famous on social networks thanks to their size and shape.

The truth is that contrary to what is thought about the year of their creation, the giant heads are neither hundreds nor thousands of years old, but were carved in 2014 by Martín Nieto Uribe and Fernando Arévalo Uribe, stonemason artisans from the community. 

At kilometer 26 of highway 400 towards the Escolásticas ejido, you can access these two giant sculptures that fill with moss in rainy weather, which gives them a very special greenish color. 

Así surgieron las cabezas gigantes de Escolásticas, Pedro Escobedo »  Queretanízate

To access them, you must park the car and walk approximately 10 minutes along the path that is already marked, until you reach the ravine known by the inhabitants as “Matambre”. When you reach what looks like a stream with little water, about 50 meters to the right, you can find them. It is advisable to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, since access is a bit difficult due to the stones and fallen leaves.

According to the artisans, one of the heads is a woman carved by Martín, while the other is an indigenous head carved by Fernando, both made of black stone. 

Escolásticas, a place with a quarry tradition

Since 1954, the community of Escolásticas has been characterized by the craftsmanship of making beautiful figures in stone, the blows of the chisel mark the rhythm of the community that has placed it’s master stonemasons in the international eye. 

Pedro Aspe Armella was the person in charge of taking a master stonemason from Guanajuato, to introduce and teach this activity to the natives of the community, they quickly learned and perfected the technique of carving this stone. 

Thanks to the hands of these artisans, extraordinary forms have come to life for several decades, in addition to being the livelihood of dozens of families. In Escolásticas you can find giant, medium and small decorative figures for all tastes and styles.

The Queretaro Post