Spring Equinox celebrations return to Peña de Bernal, Querétaro

The City Council will diversify activities to avoid crowds, said Guadalupe Pérez.

The director of tourism at Ezequiel Montes, Martín Zambrano Aguilera, reported that the traditional event could take place on March 21, on the occasion of the Spring Equinox in the Magical Town of Bernal. 

For this year there will be festivities in Ezequiel Montes on the occasion of the Summer Equinox, although with sanitary measures, as announced by the mayor, Guadalupe Pérez Montes.

However, he clarified that the authorities, especially from the town of Bernal, will look for different alternatives to avoid the agglomeration of people in spaces such as La Peña.

“We are preparing cultural events, diversified throughout the Bernal region so that people do not accumulate in one place. We are going to be taking sanitary measures.”

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Likewise, special attention will be given by the municipal authorities to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, which, he said, is a recurring concern.

“We are coordinated with the state government. We have carried out operations, every weekend they are carrying out operations to close down establishments that sell alcohol.”

Vive el equinoccio de la primavera en Bernal - Rincones de México

And it is that until now the municipal authorities have closed 15 establishments for the illegal sale of alcohol, for this reason, there will be special attention during the equinox festivities.

Additionally, he commented that this year there is no expected increase in the cost of admission to the Peña de Bernal, which amounts to 20 pesos per person.

Equinoccio de Primavera | Querétaro

Source: noticiasdequeretaro.com.mx, rotativo.com.mx

The Queretaro Post