AMLO again deceives businessmen


Andrés Manuel López Obrador did it again. The president once again deceived the businessmen with whom he agreed to review the outsourcing reform. “The agreement is that there be a dialogue between the parties and that the term of dialogue with the labor and employer sectors be extended,” he said on December 9 in the presence of the president of the Business Coordinating Council,  Carlos Salazar, and seven members of his cabinet, including the Secretary of the Treasury,  Arturo Herrera, and the Secretary of Labor,  Luisa María Alcalde.

Anticipating the new deception by the President, three bodies attached to the CCE decided not to sign the agreement. The Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), and the National Agricultural Council (CNA) rejected what they were asking between the lines: to include subcontracted workers overnight in their payrolls and thus avoid the cyclical reduction in formal jobs that occurs in December, mainly in the construction sector, due to the suspension or completion of works.

At the beginning of the year, the director of the IMSS,  Zoé Robledo, provided the Executive with the employment data for December, in which about 277 thousand formal workers would have been terminated. AMLO exploded against businessmen. On Wednesday, he said in his morning conference that this was the result of outsourcing, so he is “serious” about the initiative to eliminate outsourcing. He added that despite the fact that agreements were sought with private initiative, the businessmen “did not react.”
Goodbye negotiations.

The President’s slap will reignite the war with businessmen, who say they are fed up with the intransigence and closure of the tenant of the National Palace. Neither the new Secretary of Economy,  Tatiana Clouthier, nor Foreign Minister  Marcelo Ebrard, nor anyone from the cabinet or the first circle of the head of the Executive will manage to stop their initiative that, in addition to everything, will open a new front (another?) With the United States and it will put the TMEC at risk.

Neither will the Secretary of the Treasury manage to make the President see reason to grant economic stimuli to micro and small companies, which are the ones that are mainly dismissing employees and closing their doors in the face of the worst economic crisis in recent years. 70 years.

Already on track, and in the midst of senseless initiatives such as that of Senator  Ricardo Monreal who seeks to change the Bank of Mexico Law, yesterday López Obrador said that he will send a proposal to the Congress of the Union to absorb the autonomous bodies that hinder him, such as the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data –through which the documents showing the government’s acts of corruption have been obtained– and the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT), in charge of regulating suppliers telephony, internet and radio broadcasting (radio and television), where many of the journalists who bother his work.

So, it is better for the representatives of business organizations to be prepared and choose their next leaders very carefully and strategically, which will be renewed in 2021 (CCE, Canacintra, CNA, and Coparmex already did), as well as to the direct interlocutors with the Presidency (Business Advisory Council), because otherwise this year the private initiative (and its workers) will be more beaten than in 2019 and 2020.
The other option is to pray.

Necessary, the reactivation of credit

The Covid-19 crisis generated an imbalance in the financial sector that was reflected, among other indicators, in a sharp drop in the current portfolio, which went from 8.8% in April to -4.2% in November 2020, its greatest contraction since 2010, according to information from Banco de México.

The rebound of the economy in 2021 and the reopening of businesses aims to improve commercial banking indicators and increase the demand for loans, although the outlook is still uncertain, according to what the members of the Banxico Governing Board said. in the minutes of your most recent monetary policy decision.

It is anticipated that companies seek advice to access credit in good condition so that they can take advantage of the reductions in interest rates.

One firm that plays in this sector is JAS Financial Solutions, a financial advisory firm that has been placing loans through banking institutions in Mexico and abroad for more than 25 years, and also works with the main investment funds.

According to the firm, focused on the real estate, construction, manufacturing, infrastructure, energy, and tourism sectors, the companies that manage to obtain financing in better conditions will be the ones that will be able to better overcome the crisis that most industries are going through. the country, derived, among other things, from the lack of government support.
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