More patrols will monitor Highway 57   

The patrols destined for the Carousel and Radar operations will increase more than three times, so now there will be 10 that will be on federal highway 57, indicated the deputy president of the Board of Directors, Graciela Juárez Montes. 

When talking about advances in security, she affirmed that there is 90% progress in the goals that the instances set for the medium term. 

The coordinator of the legislative group of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) also announced that there will be additional measures before the holiday period, although it is a season in which the flow of vehicles on that main road generally decreases. 

“The (30) Delta program was implemented, for safe vacations, which has a lot to do with support for all those people who have a mechanical problem on the road. They are also stopping at the height of the toll booths, trucks that come with wear out tires, that are careless units, stop them and fine them, ”she highlighted. 

These inter-institutional coordinated dialogues began on July 11, in which the efforts of different instances were combined, which led to the meeting of Juan Flores, director of Communications and Transportation Infrastructure; Commissioner Pedro Hernández, state coordinator of the National Guard in Querétaro; Gabriel López, resident of the Banobras works for the 57 section of ; Samuel Mena, representative of the Ministry of the Interior in the state of Querétaro; and representatives Graciela Juárez (PRI), Juan Guevara (PRI) and Germain Garfias (PAN), the three promoters of the dialogues. 

“There may be someone who considers that there are no great advances, but what is essential is to generate changes in favor of the safety of those who cross the state. Any change adds to reducing the number of road accidents that are generated on that road,” said Deputy Juárez. 

She also considered that a fundamental change that is required to make this a safe highway is the attitude that the drivers themselves have when traveling it, that they stand out for their total respect for the road guidelines of the area. 

“Without a doubt this progress has to go gradually, we cannot fool ourselves, say that from one moment to the next the accidents are going to end, it is also a matter of road culture,” he explained. 

    Source: El Universal